XZise added a comment.
Okay this might sound stupid, but you have to execute it via `tests/ui_tests.py`. Although it doesn't work because then the `tests` module isn't available.
If you use `python pwb.py tests/ui_tests.py` (which is what I've been doing until recently) `pywikibot` is imported in pwb.py and the `UI` class in `pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_base` is already initialized before the test suite had a change to monkey patch it. And that `UI` class buffers the `std*` locally so if we monkeypatch `sys.std*` it after it is initialized `pywikibot.output()` and the likes are still using the buffered `stdout`.
Interestingly the tests are importing `pywikibot` after patching `sys.std*`, so wouldn't there be pwb.py it might work, although importing something in test is like importing `pywikibot` too.
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To: XZise Cc: pywikipedia-bugs, valhallasw, XZise, jayvdb