XZise added a comment.
Can't reproduce, I've installed 2.6.6 locally and I didn't get any textlib related errors (I got a Python 2.6 specific one, one related to a broken wiki and the script tests didn't work because of an insecure python egg directory).
====================================================================== ERROR: test_valid_entities (tests.page_tests.HtmlEntity) Test valid entities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/xzise/Programms/pywikibot/core/tests/page_tests.py", line 871, in test_valid_entities self.assertEqual(pywikibot.page.html2unicode('𐀀'), u'\U00010000') File "/home/xzise/Programms/pywikibot/core/pywikibot/page.py", line 4881, in html2unicode return entityR.sub(handle_entity, text) File "/home/xzise/Programms/pywikibot/core/pywikibot/page.py", line 4875, in handle_entity return eval("'\U{:08x}'".format(unicodeCodepoint)) ValueError: zero length field name in format
====================================================================== FAIL: testSearch (tests.site_tests.SiteUserTestCase) Test the site.search() method. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/xzise/Programms/pywikibot/core/tests/site_tests.py", line 1000, in testSearch self.assertTrue(all(hit.namespace() == 0 for hit in se)) AssertionError: False is not true
====================================================================== FAIL: test__login_help (tests.script_tests.TestScript) Test running login -help ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/xzise/Programms/pywikibot/core/tests/script_tests.py", line 278, in testScript self.assertIsNone(stderr_other) AssertionError: [u'WARNING: /home/xzise/.pyenv/versions/2.6.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/setuptools-15.2-py2.6.egg/pkg_resources/__init__.py:1250: UserWarning: /home/xzise/.python-eggs is writable by group/others and vulnerable to attack when used with get_resource_filename. Consider a more secure location (set with .set_extraction_path or the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE environment variable).', u'', u''] is not None
And is the tone necessary in the bug report? Considering that the information is very vague (textlib and 2.6.6, but what in textlib?) I think it's inappropriate. When at some point we broke compatibility then it happened and we need to fix that (or drop support for it) but starting the issue that way does not help your cause.
The appveyor build is a bust so you need to give more information like a stack trace or similar.
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To: XZise Cc: jayvdb, XZise, Aklapper, Multichill, pywikipedia-bugs