--- Comment #8 from John Mark Vandenberg --- Assuming ISO language codes are part of the family would be quite a sophisticated strategy. That type of logic would be easily applied when creating the Link object; e.g. creating a Link object even if no Site object can be created.
A dumber version of that is for the family to register multiple domains / regexes in a class variables, and the family class then assumes any matching domain name is a member of the family, and create Site objects accordingly.
I expect we want to add a few classes to help us group types of families, and the functionality they contain. The most distinct type of family is the one with ISO codes for different languages of the project. MutlilangFamily / ISOLangFamily ? those families usually include a non-ISO-code project, e.g.,, and , however the last two could be/should be given the 'mul' ISO language code, and treated differently of course. (doesnt work) and (redirecter only). bug 41807/ bug 62717/ etc.