--- Comment #14 from Kunal Mehta (Legoktm) --- in this report I don't want to make an item! I know about making an item amir solved it in last report (
Now I want update an item with for updating an item we should call data object with .get() or .exists() or other functions to let load that data object and it is not good because user should write 4 lines in every part of his code you can add these lines to library to not repeating.
for setitem() you can add
if d.exists(): pass # pass or doing next lines else: print 'page not exist do you want creat it? '# or it can call creatitem() function if user allowed bot to create not existed item
for createitem() you can add
if d.exists(): print 'page exists so creating process is aborted?'# or we can ask user do you want overwrite? else: pass # pass or doing next lines
it should be done by library not users. because minimal coding is much better than writing repeated lines! if I want to create or edit an item I should add these 4 lines to my code but if they are inside we don't need to write them.
it makes easy for coding . now calling .get() or .exists() is tricky and every user don't know and they will have problem with this!