Bugs item #3541623, was opened at 2012-07-09 08:21
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by reza1615
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: xqt (xqt)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Unable to input unicode titles to command line
Initial Comment:
I didn't found it possible to input an unicode title to the command line like:
category.py move -from:"Anni de el VIII secoło a.C." -to:"Ani de el VIII secoło a.C." -lang:vec
The result is:
Getting [[Categoria:Anni de el VIII secolo a.C.]]
Getting [[Categoria:Anni de el VIII secolo a.C.]]
with simple "l" instead of "ł" (and btw I am wondering about the two gettings while that category does not exist)
decoding these categories works as follows:
category.py move -from:"Anni_de_el_VIII_seco%C5%82o_a.C." -to:"Anni_de_el_VIII_seco%C5%82o_a.C." -lang:vec
This bug is also valid for rewrite branch but there is no output.
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-09 09:25
generally in fa.wiki we use
it convert un-unicode text to percentage text and it works but for bots
that they need text it doesn't work
(for example for replace.py you can not replace percentage text)
similar case
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3541623, was opened at 2012-07-09 08:21
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by xqt
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: xqt (xqt)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Unable to input unicode titles to command line
Initial Comment:
I didn't found it possible to input an unicode title to the command line like:
category.py move -from:"Anni de el VIII secoło a.C." -to:"Ani de el VIII secoło a.C." -lang:vec
The result is:
Getting [[Categoria:Anni de el VIII secolo a.C.]]
Getting [[Categoria:Anni de el VIII secolo a.C.]]
with simple "l" instead of "ł" (and btw I am wondering about the two gettings while that category does not exist)
decoding these categories works as follows:
category.py move -from:"Anni_de_el_VIII_seco%C5%82o_a.C." -to:"Anni_de_el_VIII_seco%C5%82o_a.C." -lang:vec
This bug is also valid for rewrite branch but there is no output.
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3539407, was opened at 2012-07-02 03:01
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by reza1615
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: cosmetic changes
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: reza (reza1615)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: cosmetic_changes bug on citation's number and punctuation
Initial Comment:
class fixArabicLetters() changes Latin citation's number and punctuation (,) to Persian number and punctuation (،) and it is not correct please set it if the text around the number is in Latin do not convert numbers.
>Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-09 07:11
thank you also please disable punctuation part , to ، is not correct and
it needs to define many exceptions.
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 06:08
fixArabicLetters() disabled in r10451 for now
Comment By: Huji Lee (huji)
Date: 2012-07-09 05:40
I would like to propose disabling this function for now to avoid unintended
vandalism by bots. Later, we need to translate the JS code reza1615
mentioned into python and incorporate it in the bot.
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-04 05:10
defining regularity for date or address in external urls is not simple
the best rule is when number is inside English or latin text it should be
English Number and others that are in Farsi text should be convert to Farsi
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-03 21:46
Is there any regularity for these citations e.g. "\(<en-fullmonthname>
\d{2}, \d{4}\)"?
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-02 03:13
in fa.wiki we have gadget that works fine it has function (digits () )
that convert numbers correctly my be it will useful for solving this bug
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3541362, was opened at 2012-07-08 05:29
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by reza1615
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: login
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: reza (reza1615)
Assigned to: xqt (xqt)
Summary: interwiki and login errors on en.wiki
Initial Comment:
my bot (Rezabot) has a flag on en.wiki and it is not blocked there but it couldn't edit on there
File "interwiki.py", line 2296, in run
File "interwiki.py", line 2274, in queryStep
File "interwiki.py", line 1723, in finish
if self.replaceLinks(page, new, bot):
File "interwiki.py", line 1961, in replaceLinks
status, reason, data = page.put(newtext, comment=mcomment)
File "/home/reza/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 2024, in put
newPage, self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop), sysop = sysop, botflag=botflag, maxTries=maxTries)
File "/home/reza/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 2143, in _putPage
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
File "/home/reza/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 5461, in checkBlocks
raise UserBlocked('User is blocked in site %s' % self)
pywikibot.exceptions.UserBlocked: User is blocked in site wikipedia:en
also my bots name is listed on [[Wikipedia:Bots/Status]] bot iterwiki code says it's name is not in the list!
>Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-09 06:42
my bot is edits on toolserver and toolserver ip is blocked and it edits by
it's user name correctly
I checked new update but it has the same error message
also my bot is listed on Wikipedia:Bots/Status/active bots
pywikipedia$ python login.py -lang:en
Logging in to wikipedia:en as rezabot via API.
Should be logged in now
*** Your username is not listed on [[[u'Wikipedia:Bots/Status/active bots',
*** Please make sure you are allowed to use the robot before actually using
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 01:22
fix for NOTE: message done in r10446/r10447
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 01:12
It looks like the bot's IP was blocked [1] and it seems the bot was editing
as anonymous account. On the other hand I don't know why/how that (bot
working as IP) happens. Could you check your bot's IP edits?
The second message is due to the Botstatus templates has been moved into a
subfolder. Will be fixed soon.
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SOFTBLOCK#Setting_block_options
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-08 14:05
thank you for your answer after new update the bot blocking error is
solved.:) but still now it shows this massage.
it should not show this because my bot is registered and flag in en.wiki
the massage
WARNING: Your account on wikipedia:en is blocked by Anomie.
Reason: Softblock: Toolserver bots should not be editing logged out.
Consult [[WT:BOTPOL]] for consensus discussion.
Editing using this account will stop the run.
NOTE: You have new messages on wikipedia:en
Logging in to wikipedia:en as rezabot via API.
Should be logged in now
*** Your username is not listed on [[[u'Wikipedia:Bots/Status', 'BotS']]].
*** Please make sure you are allowed to use the robot before actually using
Comment By: betacommand (betacommand)
Date: 2012-07-08 07:48
Also check to make sure you are still logged in. (try running login.py and
see if that fixes it.)
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-08 05:37
could you try another edit with -v option to get mor output
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3539407, was opened at 2012-07-02 03:01
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by xqt
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: cosmetic changes
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: reza (reza1615)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: cosmetic_changes bug on citation's number and punctuation
Initial Comment:
class fixArabicLetters() changes Latin citation's number and punctuation (,) to Persian number and punctuation (،) and it is not correct please set it if the text around the number is in Latin do not convert numbers.
>Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 06:08
fixArabicLetters() disabled in r10451 for now
Comment By: Huji Lee (huji)
Date: 2012-07-09 05:40
I would like to propose disabling this function for now to avoid unintended
vandalism by bots. Later, we need to translate the JS code reza1615
mentioned into python and incorporate it in the bot.
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-04 05:10
defining regularity for date or address in external urls is not simple
the best rule is when number is inside English or latin text it should be
English Number and others that are in Farsi text should be convert to Farsi
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-03 21:46
Is there any regularity for these citations e.g. "\(<en-fullmonthname>
\d{2}, \d{4}\)"?
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-02 03:13
in fa.wiki we have gadget that works fine it has function (digits () )
that convert numbers correctly my be it will useful for solving this bug
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3539407, was opened at 2012-07-02 03:01
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by huji
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: cosmetic changes
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: reza (reza1615)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: cosmetic_changes bug on citation's number and punctuation
Initial Comment:
class fixArabicLetters() changes Latin citation's number and punctuation (,) to Persian number and punctuation (،) and it is not correct please set it if the text around the number is in Latin do not convert numbers.
>Comment By: Huji Lee (huji)
Date: 2012-07-09 05:40
I would like to propose disabling this function for now to avoid unintended
vandalism by bots. Later, we need to translate the JS code reza1615
mentioned into python and incorporate it in the bot.
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-04 05:10
defining regularity for date or address in external urls is not simple
the best rule is when number is inside English or latin text it should be
English Number and others that are in Farsi text should be convert to Farsi
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-03 21:46
Is there any regularity for these citations e.g. "\(<en-fullmonthname>
\d{2}, \d{4}\)"?
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-02 03:13
in fa.wiki we have gadget that works fine it has function (digits () )
that convert numbers correctly my be it will useful for solving this bug
You can respond by visiting:
Feature Requests item #3497090, was opened at 2012-03-05 10:09
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by nobody
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Luca Rabinelli (beta16)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: add xml to weblinkchecker.py
Initial Comment:
Pywikipedia trunk/pywikipedia/ (r9951, 2012/03/01, 14:12:57)
Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
use_api = True
use_api_login = True
unicode test: ok
It's possible to run the weblinkchecker.py with -xml parameter. Or read the externallinks.sql.gz file?
Comment By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Date: 2012-07-09 04:55
C2PFch <a href="http://pywnslkubtuu.com/">pywnslkubtuu</a>,
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-03-10 00:37
Moved to feature request
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3406565, was opened at 2011-09-08 13:58
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by xqt
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
>Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: xqt (xqt)
>Assigned to: xqt (xqt)
Summary: ImportError in tag_nowcommons.py
Initial Comment:
tag_nowcommons.py -help
results in a ImportError:
-cosmeticchanges Toggles the cosmetic_changes setting made in config.py or
-cc user_config.py to its inverse and overrules it. All other
settings and restrictions are untouched.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\pywikibot\SVN\pywikipedia\trunk\pywikipedia\tag_nowcommons.py", line
20, in <module>
from nowcommons import nowCommons
File "C:\pywikibot\SVN\pywikipedia\trunk\pywikipedia\nowcommons.py", line 72,
in <module>
for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs():
File "C:\pywikibot\SVN\pywikipedia\trunk\pywikipedia\wikipedia.py", line 7684,
in handleArgs
File "C:\pywikibot\SVN\pywikipedia\trunk\pywikipedia\wikipedia.py", line 7973,
in showHelp
exec('import %s as module' % moduleName)
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\pywikibot\SVN\pywikipedia\trunk\pywikipedia\tag_nowcommons.py", line
20, in <module>
from nowcommons import nowCommons
ImportError: cannot import name nowCommons
This is only affected during importing the tag_nowcommons as module into wikipedia for the help message. The normal use without -help option works as expected.
>Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 02:48
self.done() in r10449
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3536901, was opened at 2012-06-21 06:44
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by xqt
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: rewrite
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: xqt (xqt)
>Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
>Summary: Rewrite Performance (multiple API request)
Initial Comment:
There are multiple user info queries which slows down the performance:
c:\Pywikipedia\rw>pwb.py basic.py user:xqt/Test -simulate -v
Pywikipediabot r10326 2012-06-08 12:08:53Z
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 23:24:47) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
Retrieving 1 pages from wikipedia:de.
Starting 1 threads...
API action query: userinfo
Found 1 wikipedia:de processes running, including this one.
>>> Benutzer:Xqt/Test <<<
- Test
+ Test Test
Comment: Bot: Ändere ...
Do you want to accept these changes? ([y]es, [N]o) y
API action query: userinfo
API action query: userinfo
Cosmetic changes for wikipedia-de enabled.
API action query: siteinfo|userinfo
API action query: userinfo
API action edit:
SIMULATION: edit action blocked.
Page [[Benutzer:Xqt/Test]] saved without any changes.
Page [[Benutzer:Xqt/Test]] saved
Dropped throttle(s).
Waiting for threads to finish...
All threads finished.
Dropped throttle(s).
>Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 02:07
These are muliple API requests and I guess a lot of them could be cached by
a site instance or on disk. This and other code parts decreases the
performance of pwb 2.0 by 30% (or increases the process by 50%) meassured
with touch.py -start:! -pt:0
You can respond by visiting:
Bugs item #3541362, was opened at 2012-07-08 05:29
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by xqt
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
>Category: login
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: reza (reza1615)
>Assigned to: xqt (xqt)
Summary: interwiki and login errors on en.wiki
Initial Comment:
my bot (Rezabot) has a flag on en.wiki and it is not blocked there but it couldn't edit on there
File "interwiki.py", line 2296, in run
File "interwiki.py", line 2274, in queryStep
File "interwiki.py", line 1723, in finish
if self.replaceLinks(page, new, bot):
File "interwiki.py", line 1961, in replaceLinks
status, reason, data = page.put(newtext, comment=mcomment)
File "/home/reza/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 2024, in put
newPage, self.site().getToken(sysop = sysop), sysop = sysop, botflag=botflag, maxTries=maxTries)
File "/home/reza/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 2143, in _putPage
self.site().checkBlocks(sysop = sysop)
File "/home/reza/pywikipedia/wikipedia.py", line 5461, in checkBlocks
raise UserBlocked('User is blocked in site %s' % self)
pywikibot.exceptions.UserBlocked: User is blocked in site wikipedia:en
also my bots name is listed on [[Wikipedia:Bots/Status]] bot iterwiki code says it's name is not in the list!
>Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 01:22
fix for NOTE: message done in r10446/r10447
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-09 01:12
It looks like the bot's IP was blocked [1] and it seems the bot was editing
as anonymous account. On the other hand I don't know why/how that (bot
working as IP) happens. Could you check your bot's IP edits?
The second message is due to the Botstatus templates has been moved into a
subfolder. Will be fixed soon.
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:SOFTBLOCK#Setting_block_options
Comment By: reza (reza1615)
Date: 2012-07-08 14:05
thank you for your answer after new update the bot blocking error is
solved.:) but still now it shows this massage.
it should not show this because my bot is registered and flag in en.wiki
the massage
WARNING: Your account on wikipedia:en is blocked by Anomie.
Reason: Softblock: Toolserver bots should not be editing logged out.
Consult [[WT:BOTPOL]] for consensus discussion.
Editing using this account will stop the run.
NOTE: You have new messages on wikipedia:en
Logging in to wikipedia:en as rezabot via API.
Should be logged in now
*** Your username is not listed on [[[u'Wikipedia:Bots/Status', 'BotS']]].
*** Please make sure you are allowed to use the robot before actually using
Comment By: betacommand (betacommand)
Date: 2012-07-08 07:48
Also check to make sure you are still logged in. (try running login.py and
see if that fixes it.)
Comment By: xqt (xqt)
Date: 2012-07-08 05:37
could you try another edit with -v option to get mor output
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