Inspired by everybody's awesome work getting the 3D extension live, I spent some time yesterday making some tweaks, including working with Hashar to get continuous integration testing working for the 3d2png tool. :)
Review on the patches would be welcome!
3d2png: * - fix for test on node 7+ * - fix for test loading files before they're completely written * - update reference rendering to match current code * - fix for Linux to run 'npm test' internals through xvfb-run, add mesa libs to debian package description * - cleaner error throw in case GL doesn't initialize
Hashar has already merged the configuration changes to CI and confirmed it now runs correctly with these patches in; we can take it out of experimental mode once these are merged.
I also noticed that serves the .stl files uncompressed; gzipping would cut bandwidth usage and thus transfer time approximately in half.
Patch to main puppet config which I think will resolve this: * - apply gzip for application/sla files
-- brion