Sorry for my poor English!
I want to sync some media wiki for specific things: I want to provide Bulgarian laws (for free without fees) via MediaWiki software. This is good software for this - can include pictures etc.
1. I don't want anybody to edit the laws. Must be registered and permited by me. But I want anybody who wants to edit the discussion. And this is my first question - how to set this?
2. I had a secondari wiki for building the pages (production server). MediaWiki had a problem with long text like the bg's laws. The text will be written by catches (this procedure makes no needed history for primary server). Only last version must copy to the primary wiki, only the tekst, no user/ip info. Good is if the primary had changes history for every sync. I can sync with perl scripts (I not understand PHP), but how to get the last page, links.... I dont know how is the database is structured and how to apply the info. Can anybody help with database info and/or ideas?!
Best Regards Rossen Karpuzov