Our most interest is protecting query results via ACLs on Categories - so pages of specific categories would not be exposable to specific user groups
As for how haloacl deals with properties -as I remember it was dealing a bit weird - it protected the values of specific properties(in query results for those particular properties? Not sure) while the page itself was still exposable.
Our intention is to be able to hide pages with specific property values from query results (including hiding from sub-queries results, output of query to template, etc)
-- Evgeniy Dankovcev
On Aug 25, 2013, at 11:40, vitalif@yourcmc.ru wrote:
Hi Vitaliy,
Do you have any plans to add support of Semantic Mediawiki into IntraACL? We tried to use HaloACL on our wikis, but there are too many bugs and problems on large amount of articles
Hi, what support do you really want? I.e. do you want to protect properties like in HaloACL? (I've almost forgotten how it was done there... can you refresh it to me?)
Or normal page (subject) protection will be enough? The latter is in my plans, though for SMW it's slightly harder than for small extensions, and also by SMW people generally mean more semantic extensions... and they also need that support.
You can even do this patching job by yourself - it's simple, you just need to find places where the content is taken from / saved to the DB and add $title->userCanRead() checks there.
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