We arehappy to announce that release 1.5.6 of the Semantic Enterprise Wiki SMW+ and the Halo extension is now available.
In this release we focused on pushing the full text search to be "lightning fast" and to make the wiki administration accessible from within SWM+. Also, a better workflow for page creation as well as tabular forms notifications were implemented. Experts and developers are happy about multi-ontology support and the consolidation of JavaScript libraries.
Learn more about the latest SMW+ release here: http://smwforum.ontoprise.com/smwforum/index.php/Features/SMW%2B_release_1.5...
Documentation for SMW+ and the Halo extensions can be found as usual in our help section. For downloading SMW+ or Halo please visit the download section: http://smwforum.ontoprise.com/smwforum/index.php/Download
We hope you will enjoy our new release and look forward to your feedback!
Christof Niemann (on behalf of the Halo team)