If my customer is example.com, with multiple applications and services routed to that domain e.g. /blog or login.example.com. One service that they are hosting is a MediaWiki instance at https://example.com*/wiki* (also using a single-sign-on infrastructure - but I don't think that matters much for this discussion about SSL and routing requests for top-level folders of the domain). For them to outsource the wiki hosting, and continue to have the wiki hosted at /wiki using an SSL certificate that they provide, what needs to be done?
I'm assuming that if I have a static IP address xx.xx.xx.xx, and an SSL certificate for "wiki.example.com", that the customer can use DNS to make sure that wiki.example.com points to that IP. The customer can use their web-server to internally proxy requests for /wiki to wiki.example.com/wiki and to the end-user they would simply see https://example.com/wiki in their browser (preserving existing links and SEO built up at that path). Is this correct?
And, what ways can latency and overhead be reduced so that their server can hand-off requests as efficiently as possible under a high load environment?
Greg Rundlett *principal consultant* eQuality Technology
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