Of course! And those are properly versioned. Have you ever diff'ed 2 excel files ?
Users need to understand the consequences of doing things "the easy way"
People are used to save every 5 minutes, even on share point this completely defeats any versioning.
No dia 19/10/2013, às 16:45, vitalif@yourcmc.ru escreveu:
As a mediawiki and sharepoint user and admin, editing in place is one of the most required features but also a sign of not knowing what are the consequences. Most tipicaly, from a documentation point of view, edit in place completely trashes any kind of version management, rendering the whole platform useless. If users need to edit in place, use a file system, and forget about proper versioning.
O_o But aren't normal mediawiki articles edited 'in-place'? :)
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