MediaWiki admins, developers, and users: we are excited to bring you EMWCon
Spring 2019, the Enterprise MediaWiki Conference [0], April 3-5 in Daly
City, CA, just outside San Francisco. The conference will have two days of
talks followed by a one day Create Camp. There will be many opportunities
to interact with others using and developing MediaWiki.
To make the best event possible, we need your help! We are looking for
talks that answer any of the following questions:
* Who is using MediaWiki?
From small communities to large organizations, who are the users?
* What is MediaWiki being used for?
Are you maintaining documentation?
Preserving family history?
Collecting best practices?
Mapping genes?
Mapping natural disasters?
* Where is MediaWiki being used?
Do you have a multinational user base?
Or are you in a large city?
Or in a small village with limited network connectivity?
* Why is MediaWiki being used?
What are the features of MediaWiki that make it useful?
* How is MediaWiki being used?
Do you have tips and tricks for managing MediaWiki?
For building extensions?
Do you have favorite or innovative extensions that enhance your wiki?
Do you have challenges or solutions for increasing contributions to
your wikis?
What would help you use MediaWiki more effectively?
Please propose a talk on the event page [1] as soon as possible,
including a title, a brief description, and your name. If your presentation
is accepted, we’ll contact you to get a short abstract of your talk.
Presentations will be recorded and made available after the conference.
Registration for EMWCon is coming soon. To learn more about previous EMWCon
conferences, please see [2].
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. Thank you for your
interest and I hope to see you in April!
Cindy Cicalese
Program Chair, EMWCon Spring 2019