Axel Thimm and Fedora Release Engineering,
I'm looking for the person in charge of packaging MediaWiki for Fedora. From the recent changelog, it looks like Axel is that person.
I'd like to start working with you to get the MediaWiki 1.19 series packaged for Fedora and use that as a basis for working with other RPM-based distributions.
Even though MW 1.20 is about to be released, I'd like to use 1.19 so that we can make it an LTS release and collaborate on supporting it.
We (a group of MediaWiki developers, especially Platonides) have been working with the Debian developers to get 1.19 into Wheezy and have been able to help them resolve some issues more quickly because of our familiarity with MediaWiki.
I hope that you'll see the mutual benefit that could come from collaborating on MediaWiki packaging.
What do we need to do to get the process started?