Hey all, 

It's been a week or two since I gave an update here on what the Editor Engagement Experiments (E3) team has deployed, so I wanted to share some notes about what we've rolled out... 

First up: the new account creation and login designs are being enabled as the new default everywhere.[1] It's on about 30 projects so far, and will be enabled for all others next week. We also made some bug fixes associated with this, but it's slowly but surely wrapping up as a project for E3. 

For guided tours, we've updated the feature so that if the tooltip is not in your view, it has an animated scrolling action that takes you to it. For example: for the majority of editors, they couldn't see the tooltips pointing to preview and save on the edit form, because it was out of view at the bottom in most browser sizes. 

This is being used now as part of the getting started tour, but is available to use for all tours, and we're debating whether to turn it on by default. Any input from folks creating other tours would be welcome. 

For getting started, we've just wrapped up A/B testing a new landing page and a navigation bar on articles. It looks like it managed to double the number of users accepting one of three getting started tasks, and we saw our biggest increase in editors making their first edit so far, compared the control that got no Getting Started page. 

More at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:OB5, and the interface is now live for all English Wikipedians, if you want to visit Special:GettingStarted and give it a spin. 

Steven Walling

1. http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2013-May/126214.html