We took some time with Brandon last Friday to have a presentation on the Varnish / caching infrastructure. Brandon did not have a lot of time to prepare this, so it ended up being more of a conversation, mainly driven by our questions. Brandon did have some slides, but they were just a very light support to our conversation.
Honestly, that's my preferred format. (Thanks you Brandon for being busy on more important stuff and still take time to answer our questions!)
If keeping this fairly unstructured format helps to have more regular Ops Sessions, I'm all for it!
I also had to friends / former coworkers who were with me for this session. They both work on the caching infrastructure of Nespresso, and they found it really interesting. If we could open some of our Ops Session I think there could be quite a few people interested in watching them. And in my understanding, this would be quite aligned with our mission of disseminating the world's knowledge (and we do have a sizeable body of technical knowledge to disseminate).
I can see a few constraints in open in those Ops Sessions to a wider audience. We still need some private time to discuss some of the things that are sensitive. And we need to find a way for this to not had a significant overhead to our busy schedules. Still I think it would be great if we could do that...
What do you think?
And again, big thanks to Brandon for his time!