Le 23/12/2015 18:16, Luigi Assom a écrit :
I cannot estimate exactly the amount of FST query I need; let's say each user will need a search generator only once per session.
Maybe 30 user per seconds concurrent would be a good reference (it 's same number Parse of Facebook provide, Firebase up to 100... so maybe I could relay on similar order of magnitude...)
You should have a look at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Etiquette
If I can provide people with a smooth user experience on search, that will be interesting because I could free resources up : I may extend a test of knowledge discovery to other languages, too. If the first user experience was too slow (~1.3s + bandwith transmission ~1.5+ per query) that could become critical.
As I said I think you can expect 400ms for this kind of API requests. You may want to double check that you enabled compression with Accept-Encoding and use connection keep alive. You can have a look at the search dashboard[1] which provides some metrics related to response times.
Would it be possible to reserve somehow bandwith or requests for a domain?
No I don't think so. But you are free to contribute to Mediawiki[2] or suggest a project that could be hosted by the wikitech labs infrastructure [3][4]
[1] http://searchdata.wmflabs.org/metrics/ [2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_contribute [3] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:FAQ [4] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikitech:Labs_Terms_of_use