On 2/6/2017 1:16 PM, Erika Bjune wrote:
Hi Svetlana,
While we do get data from OSM, we run our own tile server called Kartotherian https://github.com/kartotherian/kartotherian, mainly for the following reasons:
- OSM's infrastructure is fragile and has cache challenges
- Their datacenter is in London, which means latency becomes an issue
- OSM's rendering stack can't scale horizontally well enough to be sure they could handle our load
- Their map style is not mobile friendly
- We require multilingual and vector tiles, which their stack can't do (currently)
- We wanted to provide nicer map styling in general
As a developer of both the WMF styles, OpenStreetMap Carto, and many map rendering components, I can provide some more detail. I'm not a server admin for either WMF or the OSMF, but I work closely with them.
The default "standard" map on OpenStreetMap.org is a style called OpenStreetMap Carto (osm-carto). The particular tiles being served on osm.org (tile.osm.org) are rendered on OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) resources. Their usage is controlled by the tile usage policy https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/tiles/, which would prohibit their use as a default map on Wikipedia.
Aside from the policy reasons, tile.osm.org is not designed for Wikimedia's use, mainly because tile.osm.org is designed for providing mapper feedback, not efficient rendering.
- tile.osm.org is designed to show changes in OSM data minutes after they were made. The cost of this is that caching is much less efficient, and more resources have to be used for each map view. Wikimedia doesn't need minutely updates, and I think right now updates daily. Most commercial OSM hosts also update hourly, daily, or weekly. This decision shows up throughout how tile.osm.org is setup, sometimes in subtle ways
- tile.osm.org is not designed for multiple similar styles, e.g. high resolution "retina" tiles.
- tile.osm.org isn't designed to export static map images, which is an important WMF use case
- The tile.osm.org rendering stack doesn't provide some WMF-specific functionality needed, like integrations with Wikidata, etc.
- Parts of the tile.osm.org rendering stack are in maintenance mode and have no active developers. This is fine if they do what you need, but would have been a problem for WMF needs
For the record, I do think a deployment for WMF using the same software as tile.osm.org would have been possible and met the load requirements, but not have worked with static maps, multilingual maps, and some other WMF requirements
I feel OpenStreetMap Carto, the style on tile.osm.org, is a good style when you look at its goals https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/CARTOGRAPHY.md#main-goals. Two of the goals are showing the richness of OSM data and providing mapper feedback. It doesn't have the goal of being a map where you can layer additional data on top, which is a key WMF use-case. Two osm-carto policy decisions that would have been a problem for WMF use are the use of only OSM data whenever possible, and rendering everything in the language of the region. The first is a problem because it requires design decisions which sacrifice cartographic quality, performance, and complexity, particularly at low zooms.