Resident Evil 2 is a survival horror video game originally released for the PlayStation in 1998. Developed by Capcom as the second installment in the Resident Evil series, its story takes place two months after the events of the first game, Resident Evil. It is set in Raccoon City, a Midwestern American mountain community whose residents have been transformed into zombies by the T-virus, a biological weapon developed by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella. In their escape from the city, the two protagonists, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield, encounter other survivors, and are confronted by William Birkin, the mutated creator of the G-virus, a more powerful variation of the T-virus. The gameplay of Resident Evil 2 focuses on exploration, puzzle solving and combat, and features typical survival horror elements such as limited saves and ammunition. The game's main difference from its predecessor is the "Zapping System", which provides each playable character with unique storylines and obstacles. Resident Evil 2 was well received by critics, who praised its atmosphere, setting, graphics and audio. Its controls, voice acting and inventory system were criticized, however, and certain reviewers disliked its puzzles. The game has become a million-seller, and is the franchise's most successful title on a single platform. Years after its first release, Resident Evil 2 was included in several lists of the 100 best games.
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_______________________________ Today's selected anniversaries:
Iceland's Laki craters began an eight-month eruption, triggering major famine and massive fluorine poisoning.
German-American statistician Herman Hollerith received a patent for his punch card calculator.
Thomas Blamey became the first Australian to attain the rank of Field Marshal.
Danish-Greenlandic programmer Rasmus Lerdorf released the first version of the scripting language PHP, which is now used as the server- side language on 75% of all Web servers.
A major storm in New South Wales, Australia, beached the bulk carrier ship MVÂ Pasha Bulker.
_____________________________ Wiktionary's word of the day:
oneironaut: A person who explores dream worlds, usually associated with lucid dreaming.
___________________________ Wikiquote quote of the day:
Nothing is slower than the true birth of a man. --Marguerite Yourcenar