Super Mario Galaxy is a platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii console, first released on 1 November 2007. In this third 3D-graphics game in the Super Mario series, Mario is on a quest to rescue Princess Peach while saving the universe from Bowser. A central element of gameplay is the way gravitational forces change as Mario navigates galaxies filled with minor planets and worlds. The spherical platforms used in the game first appeared in Super Mario 128, a technology demonstration shown at Nintendo Space World in 2000. Development of Super Mario Galaxy began after the release of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat in late 2004, when Shigeru Miyamoto suggested that Nintendo should commission a large-scale Mario game. The game was a critical and commercial success, hailed as one of the greatest video games of all time. It won multiple Game of the Year titles, and became the first Nintendo title to win a British Academy Games Award for Best Game. It is the highest-rated game of all time on review aggregator GameRankings.
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_______________________________ Today's selected anniversaries:
Byzantine–Seljuq wars: Seljuq Turks captured the important port city of Sinope.
World War I: The first contingent of the First Australian Imperial Force departed Albany.
American photographer Ansel Adams shot Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico, one of his most famous photographs.,_Hernandez,_New_Mexico
After being struck in the face with a hockey puck, Jacques Plante played the rest of the game wearing a face mask, now mandatory equipment for goaltenders in ice hockey.
The European Court of Human Rights was instituted as a permanent court with full-time judges to monitor compliance by the signatory parties of the European Convention on Human Rights.
_____________________________ Wiktionary's word of the day:
listicle: (informal) An article based around a list.
___________________________ Wikiquote quote of the day:
They say that the world rests on the backs of 36 living saints — 36 unselfish men and women. Because of them the world continues to exist. They are the secret kings and queens of this world. --The Sandman