Revolutionary Girl Utena is a 1997 Japanese anime television series created by Be-Papas, a production group formed by director Kunihiko Ikuhara. The series follows Utena Tenjou, a teenaged girl drawn into a sword dueling tournament to win the hand of a mysterious girl who possesses the "power to revolutionize the world". Ikuhara was a director on the television anime adaptation of Sailor Moon, and conceived Utena in response to a lack of creative control in directing an adapted work. Utena has been described as a deconstruction and subversion of fairy tales and the magical-girl genre, making use of avant-garde and surrealist elements to comment on themes of gender, sexuality, and coming of age. The series received domestic and international critical acclaim, particularly for its treatment of LGBT themes and subject material, and has influenced subsequent animated works. In 1999, Adolescence of Utena was released as a follow-up film to the series.
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_______________________________ Today's selected anniversaries:
Napoleonic Wars: British troops rendezvoused at Grand Baie to launch an invasion of Isle de France, now known as Mauritius.
Five minutes after taking off from Montréal–Dorval, Trans- Canada Air Lines Flight 831 crashed in bad weather, killing all 118 people on board.
Atari announced the release of Pong (screenshot pictured), one of the first video games to achieve widespread popularity in both the arcade and home-console markets.
In resolution 67/19, the United Nations General Assembly voted to accord the status of a non-member observer state to Palestine.
_____________________________ Wiktionary's word of the day:
precipitant: 1. Inclined to make rapid decisions without due consideration; hasty, impulsive, rash. 2. Of a fall: straight downwards; headlong. 3. (chiefly figurative) Acting, happening, or moving quickly; fast, rapid, swift; also, abrupt, sudden, unexpected. 4. (chemistry) That causes precipitation (“formation of a heavier solid in a lighter liquid as a result of a chemical reaction”). 5. (archaic) Synonym of precipitantly (“in a precipitant or headlong manner; with foolish or rash haste”) 6. Something which causes or hastens the occurrence of an act or event; specifically (chiefly psychology), something which brings about a mental or physiological condition. 7. (chemistry) A substance that, when added to a solution, causes a dissolved substance to form a precipitate.
___________________________ Wikiquote quote of the day:
A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be. --Rosalynn Carter