"Soprano Home Movies" is the thirteenth episode of the sixth season of the HBO television drama series The Sopranos and seventy-eighth episode overall. It served as the midseason premiere to the second part of the show's sixth season, the broadcast of which was split into two. It was written by supervising producers Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider, series creator/executive producer David Chase and executive producer Matthew Weiner; it was directed by frequent series director Tim Van Patten. The episode first aired in the United States on April 8, 2007. "Soprano Home Movies", which is set eight months after the preceding episode, details a weekend that series protagonist Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) and his wife Carmela (Edie Falco) spend with his sister Janice (Aida Turturro) and brother-in-law Bobby (Steve Schirripa) at a lakefront vacation home in upstate New York and the complications that arise during this weekend. The episode garnered a number of award nominations and was the episode submitted to Emmy Award voters to represent the season, leading to a nomination for Outstanding Drama Series, an award the show subsequently won.
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_______________________________ Today's selected anniversaries:
A week after being arrested by the Prussian Secret Police, Alsatian police inspector Guillaume Schnaebelé was released on order of German Emperor William I, defusing a possible war. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillaume_Schnaebel%C3%A9
Former First Lady of the Philippines Aurora Quezon, her daughter, and ten bystanders were assassinated by the military arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_Quezon
Japan and the Republic of China signed the Treaty of Taipei to officially end the Second Sino-Japanese War, seven years after fighting in that conflict ended due to the Chinese Civil War. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Japanese_Peace_Treaty
Chief of the South Vietnamese army Cao Van Vien fled the country as the North Vietnamese closed in on Saigon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cao_Van_Vien
Former CIA counter-intelligence officer and analyst Aldrich Ames pleaded guilty to giving U.S. secrets to the Soviet Union and later Russia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldrich_Ames
_____________________________ Wiktionary's word of the day:
vila (n): A type of fairy or nymph in Slavic mythology http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vila
___________________________ Wikiquote quote of the day:
You can't go around building a better world for people. Only people can build a better world for people. Otherwise it's just a cage. --Terry Pratchett http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Terry_Pratchett