The second season of Homicide: Life on the Street, a US police drama TV series, originally aired in the US in January 1994. Low ratings during the first season meant NBC ordered only four episodes before deciding whether to renew the show. The original cast returned for this season, the last to include Jon Polito. Jean de Segonzac was director of photography and Chris Tergesen was the music coordinator. "Bop Gun", was the last episode filmed, but became the season premiere due to a guest appearance by Robin Williams (pictured). The episodes "See No Evil" and "Black and Blue" featured a police shooting based on a real-life incident. Guest stars in this season also included Julianna Margulies, Wilford Brimley, Isaiah Washington, Adrienne Shelly and a young Jake Gyllenhaal. Homicide received generally positive reviews, and the show received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor for Williams. NBC demanded further changes to the show before committing to a third season.
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_______________________________ Today's selected anniversaries:
King Henry VIII of England married his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves; the marriage was annulled six months later.
Italian educator Maria Montessori opened her first school and day-care centre for working-class children in Rome, employing the philosophy of education that now bears her name.
During his State of the Union address, U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevelt presented his Four Freedoms as fundamental freedoms that all people ought to enjoy.
The first Asian Socialist Conference, an organisation of socialist political parties in Asia, opened in Rangoon, Burma, with 177 delegates, observers and fraternal guests.
_____________________________ Wiktionary's word of the day:
Twelfth Day: (Christianity) Synonym of Epiphany (“an annual Christian feast on the twelfth day after Christmas Day (6 January) celebrating the appearance of Jesus Christ to the Magi”).
___________________________ Wikiquote quote of the day:
I believe that life has meaning. We are not on earth by chance; we do not come from nowhere to go to nowhere. This is a statement; it cannot be proved. Meaning implies both orientation and significance. Not every event or act or word has meaning, but everything is set in that orientation and signification. --Jacques Ellul