We are inviting healthcare professionals and COVID-19 experts to join a new
initiative created together with the WHO.
We are Trustnet - a platform of experts, researchers and influencers from
around the world aimed at accelerating the safe reopening of the economy.
We provide local businesses with COVID-safe guarantee according to the WHO
requirements and help them to earn back the trust of their clients.
We are creating a community where experts and influencers will be able to
get significant income from businesses certification.
Chairman of the Board, Dr.Astrid Stuckelberger - President of GINA,
WHO/UN/EU expert, author of 12 books & 200+ scientific papers, reports,
articles. AWARDS: - UN Secretary-General for achievements.
More about Trustnet project: https://trustnet.guru/
Our value proposition for experts, in a nutshell:
- Bloggers certification (by phone/online, $500 per each blogger, unlimited
- 30% share of business certification (of $900-500.000 per certification)
- Private audits for Trustnet clients
- Up to $150/hr webinars for bloggers who wants to level up
Trustnet Statement for experts & influencers:
We would like to invite the experts from this mailing list to join us, help
save the economy and start earning more, saving lives in the meantime!
We really appreciate your help, thank you!
Trustnet CCl - Let's save the economy together!