With any luck we'll have some more hardware installed by next week, so it's time to move more projects! This is probably the last round of bulk moves; after this it's all special cases for which I'll contact people directly.
Tuesday, 2018-12-11: maps, wm-bot
Wednesday, 2018-12-12: mwoffliner, wildcat
Thursday, 2018-12-13: snuggle, services, commonsarchive, wikitextexp
Friday, 2018-12-14: queryrapi, wikidumpparse, wikistats, butterfly
Monday 2018-12-17: huggle, incubator, iiab, openrefine, wcdo, wikidataconcepts
Tuesday 2018-12-18: wikimetrics, newsletter, telnet, signwriting, ogvjs-ingetration
Wednesday 2018-12-19: multimedia, orig, security-tools, phragile, wikistream, otrs, yandex-proxy
Thursday 2018-12-20: dashiki, etytree, partnermetrics, graphql
Some context for what this is all about can be found here: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/phame/post/view/120/neutron_is_here/
Please let me know if you are involved in one those projects and need to postpone the move, or schedule a to-the-minute migration window.
- Andrew + the WMCS team