In an attempt to identify abandoned VPS projects, I've created a wiki page that lists all existing projects, here:
Currently 85 projects[2] on that list are unclaimed. If you are a VPS user, please visit that page and mark any projects that you use as {{Used}}. Note that it's not necessary for you to be a project admin to mark something -- if you know that you're currently using a resource and want to keep using it, go ahead and mark it accordingly. If you /are/ a project admin, please take a moment to mark which VMs are or aren't used in your projects.
When October arrives, I will shut down and begin the process of reclaiming unused projects.
If you think you use a VPS project but aren't sure which, I encourage you to poke around on to see what looks familiar. You can also log in to which will provide you with a handy menu of projects that you are currently a member of.
Thank you!
-Andrew and the WMCS team
[2] Here, for good measure, is that list. Every one of these projects is currently a candidate for deletion:
aicaptcha analytics bots chicotestproject ci-staging codereview collection-alt-renderer commonsarchive community-labs-monitoring contributors dashiki deep-learning-services discourse discourse-wam download etytree fastcci getstarted glampipe globaleducation hat-imagescalers hound iiab iiifls1 ircd jupyter kubernetes-testing maps maps-team math matrix mcr-dev mediahandler-tests mediawiki-docker multimedia mw-api-testing mw-extension-ids mwfuzz mwoffliner newsletter nonfreewiki openocr ores orig otrs pagemigration paws phlogiston piwik project-smtp rcm rdfiodev reading-lists reading-web-staging recommendation-api redirects reportcard sciencesource sentry services services-testbed t136871 test-twemproxy thumbor tor traffic twl utrs video wcdo wdq-mm wikibase-nearest-neighbors wikibrain wikidata-federation wikidata-page-banner wikidata-primary-sources-tool wikidumpparse wikifactmine wikimetrics wikisource-tools wikistream wikitolearn-dev wildcat wlmjudging wmf-research-tools