There are currently 57 unclaimed projects on I will start shutting down unclaimed projects at the beginning of next month, and those projects will be left behind in the future network migration[1] and, eventually, deleted.
If you see anything in this list that you care about, please indicate that the project is in use on the Wikitech page. Here are the 57 projects that are currently unmarked:
aicaptcha bots bstorm-test chicotestproject ci-staging collection-alt-renderer contributors deep-learning-services discourse-wam download etytree fastcci glampipe globaleducation hat-imagescalers hound iiifls1 ircd jupyter maps maps-team matrix mcr-dev mediahandler-tests mediawiki-docker multimedia mw-api-testing mw-extension-ids newsletter nonfreewiki openocr orig pagemigration piwik project-smtp rdfiodev reading-lists redirects reportcard sentry services services-testbed t136871 test-twemproxy tor traffic wcdo wdq-mm wikibrain wikidata-page-banner wikidata-primary-sources-tool wikidumpparse wikifactmine wikimetrics wikisource-tools wikistream wlmjudging