Several people have asked on IRC and Phabricator if the deprecation of *.wmflabs names for Cloud VPS instances means that the service names used to connect to ToolsDB and the Wiki Replicas are changing. The answer is no, these names are not changing yet. We will be replacing these service names eventually, but for now they are staying in the wmflabs pseudo domain.
In 2017 [0] we established new canonical service names for accessing the shared database servers for the Cloud Services environment. Those names are still the same today.
The naming convention for connecting to the Wiki Replica servers is: "<wikidb>.{analytics,web}.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs". The *.web.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs service names are intended for queries that need a real-time response. The *.analytics.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs service names are intended for batch jobs and long running queries. See the announcement from 2017 for more details [0].
The preferred service name for ToolsDB is tools.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs.
Bryan, on behalf of the Cloud Services team