Happy new year! There are still 86 unclaimed cloud-vps projects in danger of shutdown come February. Please take a moment to review this page and mark any projects that you are using:
Here's the complete list of unmarked projects:
appservers auditlogging baglama2 baserow canasta capacity-exchange citelearn commons-corruption-checker commonsarchive cyberbot dashiki data-engineering download dumps entity-detection etytree fastcci fr-tech-dev getstarted gitlab-test glamwikidashboard globaleducation gratitude huggle huwiki-dev idm-dev image-suggestion-api incubator ircwebchat isa language lta-tracker machine-learning maps maps-experiments mariadb104-test math mix-n-match ml-collab-2022 mobile mwcli mwstake netops-clab ocrtoy openocr openstack packaging pki pluggableauth puppet-dev reading-web-staging schematreerecommender sciencesource search security-tools services shiny-r spi-tools sre-sandbox sso swift teyora video visualeditor wcdo webperf wikiapiary wikicite wikicommunityhealth wikidata-history-query-service wikidata-query wikidata-reconciliation wikidocumentaries wikidumpparse wikilabels wikilearn wikiloop wikinewsie wikipathways wikispeech wikitextexp wildcat wmcz-stats wmde-dashboards wmde-templates-alpha wmdeanalytics