On 10/21/19 9:49 PM, Brooke Storm wrote:
With a redundant power supply upgrade going on this week in the datacenter that could affect the VM that Toolsdb runs on, we anticipate a brief outage Thursday 10/24 @11am UTC of the mysql service to protect data in case anything goes wrong. This may require a restart of a tool to reconnect to the database. We do not anticipate any worse disruptions, but if there is any disruption beyond what is planned, a failover may be necessary, which will not include the non-replicated tables mentioned here https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database#ToolsDB_Backups_...
The maintenance requiring this notice and action is detailed here https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T227540. The VM resides on the cloudvirt1019 hypervisor, which is why it is in scope.
We sincerely apologize for the short notice.
Reminder, this is happening in a few minutes!