Hi there!
wanted to share a big THANKS YOU to both Alex Monk (Krenair) and Andrew Bogott for the amazing work they have been doing to support the codfw1dev openstack deployment, including deploying an in-cloud puppetmaster to get it even closer to being a full mirror of our live openstack deployment eqiad1. Note working in getting the codfw1dev deployment in shape is something we don't usually set an explicit goal on, even though, from my point of view, is vital for us to have a proper testing environment.
Traditionally I've been using codfw1dev only for testing non-virtual things, like openstack services, etc. With the current status, you can even test virtual stuff (running in VM instances) with an experience very close to eqiad1.
This week I've been using the codfw1dev deployment for testing stuff, and for the first time since I can remember, the experience was... mostly magically smooth out of the box.
Now the challenge for myself (and possibly others) is to remember to test stuff there first :-)
I case you want to try this yourself, I left here some hints on how to use the deployment: