In we have json-like form with statenents Object_with_modifier_and_of, Ranking
in is a bit differ
How fast create abstract form of content if we know English text?
We have Polish sentence: „W głuchej puszczy, przed chatką leśnika rota strzelców stanęła zielona” it is poetically, normal will “W głuchej puszczy, przed chatką leśnika stanęła zielona rota strzelców.”
to English: “In the deaf forest, a green rota of riflemen has stood in front of the forester's hut.”
Dissection of this sentence with indentation:
(rota, <what did?>(stand, <where?>(in forest, <what?>deaf), (in front, <of?> (of hut, <whose?)forester))) <what?>green, <whose?>riflemen
there is less information here than in San Francisco example , only what? whose? etc What can be added to make it a correct abstract article?
Whether too many relations hinder sentence construction? Maybe complicated relations split to simpler?