Wikitech-l August 2014
  • 133 participants
  • 132 discussions

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wikimedia-l] "let's elect people to serve on the wikimedia engineering "community" team!" (brainstorming)
by Pine W
9 years, 9 months

Wikidata on MediaWiki-Vagrant (and other bigish changes)
by Bryan Davis
9 years, 9 months

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Engineering] Migrating to HHVM
by Erik Moeller
9 years, 9 months

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Engineering] Migrating to HHVM
by Ori Livneh
9 years, 9 months

Migrating to HHVM
by Ori Livneh
9 years, 9 months

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wikimedia-l] "let's elect people to serve on the wikimedia engineering "community" team!" (brainstorming)
by svetlana
9 years, 9 months

jQuery UI 1.10.4 and IE6 support
by Sumana Harihareswara
9 years, 9 months

Fellow ticket discount for the SEMANTiCS conference Leipzig
by Sebastian Hellmann
9 years, 9 months

Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wikimedia-l] Subject for Wikimedia Hackathon(s) 2014-2015: CoSyne
by Rachel Farrand
9 years, 9 months

"let's elect people to serve on the wikimedia engineering "community" team!" (brainstorming)
by Gryllida
9 years, 10 months
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