Offline-l November 2013
  • 11 participants
  • 11 discussions

XOWA has released a complete set of thumbnails for 2013-11-04 English Wikipedia -- Seeders wanted!
by gnosygnu
10 years, 6 months

Best script for static html of a mediawiki
by Bjoern Hassler
10 years, 6 months

How important is ZIM support in Collections?
by Erik Moeller
10 years, 6 months

Kiwix for Android Google Code-in tasks for young and talented developers
by Emmanuel Engelhart
10 years, 6 months

Kiwix for OER4Schools, was Re: How important is ZIM support in Collections?
by Bjoern Hassler
10 years, 6 months

zimwriterfs, a new easy tool to create ZIM file yourself
by Emmanuel Engelhart
10 years, 6 months

New releases of Kiwix for Android
by Emmanuel Engelhart
10 years, 6 months

Re: [Offline-l] Get images of article.
by Federico Leva (Nemo)
10 years, 6 months

Re: [Offline-l] Get images of article.
by Federico Leva (Nemo)
10 years, 6 months

xowa v0.11.0 released
by gnosygnu
10 years, 6 months
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