[Wikipedia-l] An outsider's view on en-admin-only whatever and the rest

Maru Dubshinki marudubshinki at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 13:17:48 UTC 2006

On 1/24/06, Delphine Ménard <notafishz at gmail.com> wrote:
> What happens is this: you get an email with a complaint, you go see
> the page, realize there's about 2 hours of work on the page, and get
> discouraged. Because on one hand, you can't really go "public" with
> the complaint (it's, after all, an email, gives personal information
> etc.) and on the other, you *know* that something needs to be done.
> Here you have two options:
> -either you take the two hours to fix the article, but then, there are
> still 279 emails to be answered in OTRS.
> -or you go to a person you know, who you think could be good at fixing
> the article.
> Here two options again:
> -the person you chose to tell does have two hours and can fix the article
> -they don't and it gets forgotten
> and maybe a third one:
> -They don't have the time, go to other people, the "issue"  is somehow
> broadcasted, makes the front page of USA Today... and you know the
> rest.
> So what's the solution?
> Delphine
> --
> ~notafish

If the problem is really apparent, why can't you tag the page appropriately?
I don't think adding a new layer of procedure will help anything;
people who already have the time and such will already be working on
the cleanup category.


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