[Wikipedia-l] This is a 'first-timer' - should I have missunderstood something then please have mercy for me

Michael Laudahn ml at worldimprover.net
Mon Jan 23 17:59:44 UTC 2006

You're right, 'skimming' the issue is hardly the appropriate way to deal
with it. You would have to take five minutes and READ concentratingly the
thread opener.

As mentioned in the inter-german correspondence since then, the discussion
is about the refusal of the german Wikipedia hierarchy to accept also
critical weblinks on their pages, not just neutral or acclaiming ones. This
is something normal in e g anglo-saxon countries. Cf down on
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald .

The replies from Germany were an insisting type of pretending to 'nix
verstehn' ('not understand'), although they did understand - no doubt. How
do YOU react when people try to treat you this way? Some sarcasm could be
among the choices at one's disposal, according to my logic.

Why you have chosen to react emotionally instead of rationally, I don't want
to speculate over at this time. However, wouldn't you be free to correct
this attitude at any given moment?

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