[Wikipedia-l] This is a 'first-timer' - should I havemissunderstood somehting then please have mercy for me

Michael Laudahn ml at worldimprover.net
Sun Jan 22 17:49:46 UTC 2006

In case there are anglo-saxon readers: Koll has done it again

It's just a mixture of polemics and pretzel logic - like I called it,
'german fuzzy logic'.

He has withdrawn the preposterous 'paranoia' allegation. That was real
quick. Simultaneously, he's trying to replace it with a lighter kind of
accusation, called 'querulantentum' (I leave it up to you if you find a
suitable translation for that in english - my suspicion is, this is just
another kind of german invention to try and muzzle uncomfortable messengers
by giving them a name a court can find useful to abuse. Weren't nazi courts
actively thriving on this notion ('querulantentum')? A smiley won't help
damping this new insult of his.

He remains inflexible in the real issue, though. His tactics are to try and
divert your attention from the fact that I gave all the pertinent
information in my english-language messages. In other words, there is no
need to read the german part of my website. Just trust that what I state is
true information, then go from there. Do I give any reason to believe that I
were not telling the truth?

It is the german type of 'governance logic' at de.wikipedia.org that this
case is about. And it should be easily understandable through my original
message already. Otherwise, let me know what else you'd like to know or have 

In case Koll still hasn't comprehended it: I am not interested in the kind
of statements he has delivered so far. Is someone else? Then, at least I
would prefer not to hear from him again.

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