[Wikipedia-l] Re: Wikipedia-l Digest, Vol 26, Issue 40

Giuseppe DAngelo pippudoz at yahoo.it
Mon Sep 19 23:12:37 UTC 2005

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:37:42 -0400
From: "James R. Johnson" 
Subject: RE: [Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia English English
Message-ID: <20050919173748.B0D44115841E at mail.wikimedia.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

When I went to London, I did have to ask what a secre tree was (any relation
to the oak tree?). And a labora tree and an observa tree and a 'lie bree'
and the 'straw bree'... :) Were I able to stay longer, perhaps I would have
understood better.

And at least we pronounce the 'r' at the ends of words. :)


PS - note that this is a sarcastic e-mail. Don't take it that seriously.

A sarcastic e-mail?  That's not possible, americans don't understand sarcasm :-)

pippu d'angelo

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