[Wikipedia-l] Re: Problème de copyright dans l'usage de vos sources Wikipedia

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun May 29 20:20:50 UTC 2005

Wouter Steenbeek wrote:

>> Wouter Steenbeek wrote:
>>> But I prefer you to hold this discussion in English, indeed to hold
>>> any discussion on this list in English.
>> I am sure many people will "prefer" that, but that doesn't stop us from
>> using other languages whenever we feel like it.
>>> There will be a lot of people who are unable to read French...
>> There are people who are unable to read English.  Picture that.
> Yes, but not one this list; at least I am confident that anyone having 
> suscribed to this list can read English. The sole reason why I prefer 
> English here (note: just *here*, not on Wikisource, Wikiquote, the 
> commons etc.) is a practical one. It makes communication easier. I can 
> very well read your French (but hardly respond in the same language, 
> unfortunately) and - if necessary - German and Spanish as well, but I 
> would be lost if people began to write in Chinese, Arabic or Swahili, 
> though these are quite viable international languages in certain parts 
> of the world. Others however might be willing to use languages like 
> these. Anything posted here must be accesible to all of us, imo. I 
> must stress I fully support multilinguality.

As a rule I write to this list in English, but if I want to respond to 
someone who has written in French I will do so in that language.  I 
don't object to people using other languages, as long as they realize 
that I may have no clue about what they are saying.  If I think that I 
adequately misunderstand, I will respond in English.  I may even grace a 
response to Italian comments with "Va bene" before I switch to 
English.   In no event will I complain about someone's use of another 


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