[Wikipedia-l] Helga banned

lcrocker at nupedia.com lcrocker at nupedia.com
Wed Sep 11 02:36:21 UTC 2002

>>> PS. Would it be possible that people use their real name
>>> on this mailing list and in personal email? ...

>> Yes, it would be possible.  It, however, will not be
>> practiced, at least by the person you are directing this part
>> of your message to...

Jaap, there is a long tradition on the net that accepts
pseudomyms routinely for several reasons: first, there's
no way to tell if a "real" sounding name is real anyway,
and many people like to express opinions their employers
or family might object to, and others (my employer is
clueless and my family has long since given up on trying
to understand me, so I'm free to use my real name :-).

You are of course free to judge how seriously to take
someone based on their choice of pseudonym (or even the
choice to use one at all).  I do just that--I generally
take someone less seriously if they use a pseudonym until
they've proven otherwise.  KQ has certainly proven
otherwise, and he is deservedly well-respected here.

And considering you're the one who wrote:

  > One should never engage in serious discussions
  > with women anyway. They are not genetically
  > equiped for it.

I now know I no longer have to take you seriously,
unless of course you're just /really/ bad at sarcasm.

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