[Wikipedia-l] Re: French

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Fri Oct 18 01:51:09 UTC 2002

Jaap van Ganswijk wrote:

>It's very interestingly to see how different cultures treat
>their languages. The French issued a law some 10 years ago
>that English words were forbidden and had to be translated.
Even with such a law France is more tolerant of anglicisms than Québec. 
 This is to Québec's credit.

>My mother (of age 73) doesn't understand commercials anymore
>and therefore doesn't watch them anymore. It's not only a
>matter of language buit also of culture. Most commercials
>try to appeal to young people that know a lot about the
>present (last decades) culture.
The people who write commercials aren't concerned about 73 year old 
women in any country.  Many of them have experienced hard times and that 
has taught them to control their own spending.

Young people often have more money than brains, and advertisers want to 
make sure things stay that way.


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