[WikiEN-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] Do you want to write pages that thousands of people see every day?

Elias Friedman elipongo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 21 00:49:53 UTC 2011

Okay then, let me ask how do you intend to measure "start them editing"? Raw
edit counts? Over what period of time? Will what namespace matter?

Frankly I'm not as interested in getting new people *started* editing as I
am I in *keeping* them editing. Many new editors get frustrated because they
don't understand basic rules like proper sourcing and citation. Many are not
good at reading our written rules - that's why I was excited to see those
tutorial videos. I really think they can bridge the gap for the majority of
people who don't do well with just RTFM. That's why I say that at least a
link to those videos should be on *every* version of that landing page.

Sent from my Droid2
Elias Friedman A.S., CCEMT-P
אליהו מתתיהו בן צבי
elipongo at gmail.com
On Feb 20, 2011 6:33 PM, "Lennart Guldbrandsson" <wikihannibal at gmail.com>

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