[WikiEN-l] The Cat Cat

Steve Summit scs at eskimo.com
Wed Nov 4 17:11:37 UTC 2009

Steve Bennett wrote:
>> Anyway the previous comment about Felix the Cat being itself a
>> category reminded me how much I dislike categories. You never know
>> whether category membership is taxonomic (the subject of this page
>> *is* a fictional cat) or thematic (the subject of this page is
>> *related* to fictional cats). Same goes for subcategories.

This is *the* fundamental problem with categories, and is why
they'll never (in their current form) be useful for anything
rigorous or systematic, are really only useful for dabbling and

Carcharoth wrote:
> Ideally, you would label categories as being of one type or the other,

Hear, hear.

> but people seem to object to that for some reason...
> Oh, here we go:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Category_types
> Category types. Marked as failed, but someone could try and revive it again.

Huh.  A quick skim of the talk page suggests a fair amount of
strong support, and a fair amount of what I would characterize as
weak objection, basically along the lines of "categories are fine
for dabbling and browsing, and I don't want to think about trying
to do anything more with them, or letting anyone else try to do
anything more with them."  Too bad.

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