[WikiEN-l] The Cat Cat, was Re: fictional categories

Surreptitiousness surreptitious.wikipedian at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 4 13:40:32 UTC 2009

Daniel R. Tobias wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 15:43:58 +1100, Steve Bennett wrote:
>> I agree with the statement that it should not be in that category.
>> Essentially, because schrodinger's cat is not a cat. Felix the Cat is
>> a fictional cat. Simba the lion is a fictional cat, in a broader
>> sense. Schrodinger's cat is a concept in physics that has nothing to
>> do with cats or fiction. There is no notable fiction in which
>> Schrodinger's cat features heavily, for example.
> This discussion led me to go check out the "cat cat[egory]", and find 
> that, inexplicably, Felix the Cat was omitted.  I remedied that.
Felix the Cat is in Category:Felix the Cat which is a sub-cat of the 
"cat cat", so all sorts of rules apply there.

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