[WikiEN-l] Are movie trailers "free enough" for Commons?

geni geniice at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 18:29:51 UTC 2008

2008/9/8  <WJhonson at aol.com>:
> I take the opposite tack.  Until we find some case law that  "exercises" the
> statute law, we really have no clear way to interpret what that  statute law
> really means.  We can make interpretations of it, but we cannot  rule out other
> interpretations that could be gleaned from it as well.  And  we all know how
> widely disparate various interpretations of the same law  can be.

The problem is that that creates a complete mess with things like
Freedom of panorama and invalidates all but two free licenses neither
of which we use to any great extent. It is likely that it also creates
issues with the PD-US gov stuff and things like crown copyright

Most life+whatever laws have not technically been tested so rejecting
statute law until we have some case law isn't practical.


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