[WikiEN-l] Saucy Sources, reliable and re : libel.

Alec Conroy alecmconroy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 09:08:55 UTC 2007

>Are you willing to foot the legal bills?

The odds of a successful libel claim are nonexistent if eight
independent journalistic organizations have reported something as a
fact.  Libel's just about impossible to prove anyway, and it
definitely wouldn't apply here.   For one thing, truthfulness is
always a defense to libel "The Guardian reported .... " is certainly a

Note also, if this were legitimate libel the place to start would be
the deep pockets of the media organizations that are STILL publishing
the statements about Mr. DI Stefano on their website.

That said, BLP isn't just about protecting us from legal disputes,
it's also about making sure we do the right thing and accurately
portray Di Stefano, regardless of whether we could ever get into
problems for it.

So, my "Probably no legal concerns here" aside, I'm certainly not the
foundations laywers, so as I said on the article talk page--  no hurry
at all.   It's a minefield, go nice and slow, letting the laywers and
foundation take the lead.  It'll all come out in the wash.


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