[WikiEN-l] The new verifiability policy

Steve Bennett stevage at gmail.com
Wed Mar 1 20:11:06 UTC 2006

On 3/1/06, slimvirgin at gmail.com <slimvirgin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Realistically, when is this a problem, Charles? I confess to being
> bewildered when people complain about the need to find sources. If
> their edit is correct, why can't they source it?

To me, that's like complaining that the dinner I served you didn't
come with wine. If I went to all the effort of cooking the meal, would
a little wine be so tricky to come up with?

No, it wouldn't. But you didn't pay for the meal either, so you can't
be too picky. To continue the analogy, I would appreciate a firmer
statement of the policy: all meals must be accompanied by wine (in
which case, I probably won't be inviting you around so often), or just

(that all came out a lot more harshly and crabblier than intended. all
I mean is: yes, sources (and sauces) are nice, but helpful additions
are rare enough already without imposing further constraints)


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