[WikiEN-l] User preferences changes

sannse sannse at delphiforums.com
Sat May 17 08:31:34 UTC 2003

Brion fixed:

>>[X] Show preview before edit box and not after it
  (default: on)

That's good.  It will save confusion I'm sure.

There are still a couple of little things here (at least I hope they are

*There is sometimes a problem with tables when the preview is at the top:
If the article text is shorter than the table, the table disappears under
the text entry box on preview.  See http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azawakh
for example.  I think we need a <br clear="all"> before the text entry box?

*Could the "has not yet been saved!" warning go at the top *and* bottom of
the page?   It works well as it is when the preview is on top, but is not
noticeable if the preview is at the bottom.  I've been known to forget by
the time I've scrolled to the bottom of the page!

Many thanks for all your work Brion, I hope you know how appreciated you are



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