Would it be possible to use the toolserver for rendering of the fosm tiles?
atm. the toolserver is fully overloaded with rendering the styles yet there -- there's no space for another database and another style.
On the other hand I don't see a planet-file (only diffs), so even if there was space, I wouldn't know where to start from.
https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Rules mentions openstreetmap and related projects, this project is related but not the same.
I'm not sure if fosm is a "related project" in the meaning of those rules, as it's some kind of counter movement against osm and the Toolserver goal is to support osm and it's community. I'm somehow undecided if fosm is "supporting" the osm project (by saving it from a huge mistake) or "fighting" it (by splitting the community). This decision must be made by the operators of the toolserver cluster, before we can decide this.