[Textbook-l] getting to work

Karl Wick karlwick at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 27 21:53:21 UTC 2003

I have been playing around a bit on
http://test.wikipedia.org building preliminary textbook
structures and am noticing a tendency to build layers of
links which organize the information down into bite-size
modules. The style for this one, about organic chemistry,
is not nearly as linear as the physics one that I had
started earlier as a traditional text ... maybe it is
because of the freedom allowed by hyperlinking. I am
excited to see how all of this develops and facilitates
non-linear learning. BTW I aggree that the modules will be
much smaller than traditional textbook chapters. My plan
for now is to refine each module down to one idea and send
out any other ideas to thier own module unless an
exceedingly short comment is all that is required, or one
idea encompasses the relation between a couple of other
linked modules.

PS Is it just me or does it seem like people are using this
space to rant on non related subjects ? Maybe I am
subconsciously taking it personally or something ..

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