[teampractices] How deviantART organizes its work

Paul McLanahan pmac at mozilla.com
Wed Nov 27 15:14:17 UTC 2013

On 11/27/13 9:12 AM, Toby Negrin wrote:
> On a similar note, 37Signals has just released their book Remote 
> <http://37signals.com/remote/> which talks about the benefits and
> some best practices for remote working.

Another attempt at explaining remote working "best practices" is a
talk by John O'Duinn, a colleague of mine at Mozilla, titled "We are
all remoties"[0]. So far it's just a blog post and some pdf slides,
but I hear a video of his presentation will be up on Air Mozilla[1] at
some point in the near future.

[1] https://air.mozilla.org/

Paul [pmac] McLanahan
Web Developer
Mozilla Web Productions

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